Buzz Bomb Tips

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Tips for Buzzbomb Lures
By Doug Field
Run line through lure, through enclosed black bumper and tie the hook on (Use 8 - 12 lb. test line for 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" Bombs, 15 - 20 lb. test for 3" - 5" Bombs). Use a good stiff 7 ft. rod and a medium to large spinning reel.


  1. Lower rod tips toward water.
  2. Lift gently on rod upwards about 18" - 24" and immediately drop rod tip again, creating slack line, whereby your lure sinks spinning horizontially. This rotation sends out vibrations that attract or annoy ALL fish, large or tiny, into striking.
  3. Repeat. If you feel the least tick - hit hard! Fish just beneath surface feed or just above "haystacks" of feed on the bottom.
  1. Cast lure out into surface feeding fish.
  2. Lift rod tip smoothly, about 2 ft.
  3. Immediately throw rod tip back towards lure creating slack line - reel in slack. Repeat.
Work the lure the same as casting. Drop back quickly 2 ft. of line and pull up slowly when line is taut; or simply troll fast.